Friday, December 31, 2010

Glad for it to be done...

So here it is, the last blog of 2010.  I will be glad to put the year behind me and move on to the next.  I'm not saying that 2010 was a bad year, but I'm not saying it was a good one either.  Like everything, it had its ups and downs.  There will be no resolution making this year... Don't think there's really that big of a need for it.  They never stick and are something that are just made up to get your hopes up half way through the year.  Life happens and people get busy... So what if you joined the gym but never went?  Or promised yourself that you would stop stalking your ex?  Pft...  Resolution, smesolution!

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful time tonight!  Let's make 2011 our bitch!

Keep it fresh!

Monday, December 27, 2010

My poor bestie...

With her due date right around the corner, she's got some major anxiety and stress goin' on.  Who could blame her though?  I mean come on... if you had to carry a baby around in your belly for 9 miserable months and then the time comes for you to finally pop it out, wouldn't you be a little anxious?  Let's face it... 9 months may not seem like that long, but once you start counting weeks and all the doctor's visits and the bills... Wow... I made myself have an anxiety attack.  Yikes!



Christmas is over...  Looking forward to the New Year and all it has to bring.  I have a feeling that a lot of people are going to make 2011 their bitch.  Just sayin'.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Holidays make my skin crawl...

So I'm really not the biggest fan of the Christmas/Holiday season.  To me, it has lost it's meaning.  Remember when Black Friday was Black Friday and people enjoyed their day off on Thanksgiving?  Oh the good ol' days.  The only thing I like about this time of year is the decorating.  It's a good enough excuse to change things up.  I also love seeing what people put as their theme.  Kinda tells you somethin' about them.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Everything has a way...

Of working itself into place.  This charity event is smoothly coming together.  I'm pretty excited to do something for a good cause. 

The holiday season has been pretty busy.  Not so much with clients and shoots, but more with the family and getting photos edited.  I feel very blessed on a daily basis to have my family and friends supporting me with everything that I am doing.  Without their love and support, I probably wouldn't have gotten as far as I have.  I'm living and loving life to the fullest right now and glad that I can share this with everyone.  I wish everyone the best and a Happy Holiday!

P.S.  More pictures to come ;)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I have a cankle...

So this leg sleeve is coming together very nicely.  City is killin' it with his skills!!!  However, I got a cankle out of it.  Yeah, that's right, I have a cankle.  You gonna do something about it?  I really wish you would, because it's starting to piss me off having to elevate it.  Enjoy!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

The brain never rests...

Even though I've barely gotten any sleep this week, I still find myself staying up editing more pictures.  It's like my brain doesn't want to turn itself off.  Well, there is a difference in wanting to and having to.


Friday, December 10, 2010

For the ones that know me best...

I've teetered back and forth with having children of my own.  For now, my nieces and nephew will have to do.  I really don't get to spend that much time with them, but when I do, they bring a smile to my face.


Things I see...

I have a tendency to have different views on what I see.  Sometimes they're normal and beautiful... Other times they're distorted and beautiful.  It could be all the drugs I've taken in my past!  Just kidding!  Or am I?  Here's just some random pictures. 


Thursday, December 9, 2010

I wish I may, I wish I might...

So I've pretty much given myself a goal to edit at least 2 pictures a night so that I can get caught up.  Well, I tend to over exceed myself when it comes to "goals".  Just means I'm getting closer to finishing up projects and starting new ones.  Enjoy!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My visions...

Some people call them dreams and some people call them nightmares... I call them visions because, well, I don't really sleep.  Or is it sleep deprivation?  Oh who knows... Just enjoy some of these pics I did.


Monday, December 6, 2010

There's something in the water...

Seems like everyone around me is pregnant.  When it's your best friend, you seem to get a one on one on how everything is.  Now granted that through this entire time she's done nothing but complain about how tired she is and how she has growing pains, but at the end of the day... she's growing a little person in there.  That, itself is a miracle.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lots of quiet time...

So I've been hitting it hard at the tattoo shop lately and getting a lot of quiet time in.  One session with City and another with BillyJack... Check it out.

 City at work
Keep adding more
 First Session with BillyJack
Second Session with BillyJack

And another one...

Of my lovely's that let me shoot her and use her in my portfolio.  Seriously... I'm super blessed.

Just a lil' somethin'...

I am very blessed to have to best of friends willing to help me out with my portfolio and business.  Here's one friend who's smokin' hot all year round...


Friday, December 3, 2010

The best part...

Sometimes I lose sight of who I am and what I am doing.  In the end though, I remember that I am blessed to be able to work with my creativity on a daily basis.  Running through ideas in my head can be pretty exhausting, but it's definitely worth it in the end. 

Santogold - The Creator

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ummmmmmm yeah...

So I've been a total slacker ever since the holidays hit, but that's kind of a given.  No one really wants to go back to work after eating all that food and watching all that football.  Did I mention the fact of spending ridiculous amounts of time with the family?  With all that said, I will be returning with some great photos I took over the weekend.  As for now... enjoy this beautiful sunset!


Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

It's that time of year...

When the weather gets cooler, the leaves change colors and the days get shorter.  When I walk outside at nite, the smell of firewood burning fills the air.


Margarita Ball...

On November 20, 2010, The Sheraton in Dallas hosted one of the biggest black tie charity events.  It was my first, but hopefully not last, time to go to this event.  There were thousands of people all for such a great cause.  If you would like more information regarding this event, go to: